We’d Like To Thank …


This site would not be as comprehensive as it is without the hard work and support of a whole bunch of people, but the following have gone above and beyond duty and as such, are listed here (alphabetically) in our hall of fame…

Special thanks go to Amy, Arielle, Badass Cyborg, Chris, Crucifix, Droo, Krist, Ratiocinator, and Todd who have all given their time to building various sections of the section. This site, literally, wouldn’t be here without them. Much love to Fudgestix and Phantomness for helping proof the site during its 2015 relaunch.

Thanks also to every single SHHF moderator who’s so kindly given their time and energy to keeping the forum under control over the years, particularly our current moderating team, which consists of: Droo, Fudgestix, Phantomness, and NanayaShiki.

Scarlet/Raquel: I miss you every day. Thanks so much for everything; your time, your kindness, your screenshots, your patience, and your friendship. SHHF is not the same without you. 

Special, special thanks go the guy who started it all with me, YatesFox. <3

  • AngelofROOM302: for the Silent Hill Origins walkthrough
  • Badass Cyborg: for grabbing and processing our OST previews
  • Chelsea: for the Silent Hill 2 transcript
  • Darren: for the greatest interactive map the world has ever seen
  • Heartless: for making our YouTube page all smexy
  • Jonipoon: for his awesome Silent Hill Heaven teaser trailer
  • Krist: for the script for Silent Hill 1
  • knw|ss: for letting me yoink a gazillion images from SHM.net – thanks!
  • Loadx: for helping me out with the (now defunct) age verification snippet
  • Nanayashiki: for donating screenshots for Townfall, F, and Silent Hill 2 Remake
  • Naomi (et al!): for collating the Quick SH Guides
  • The SHHF Cult Subscribers: without whom I couldn’t afford to run this place
  • Whitney: for the collectible photos and numerous contributions

… And last but certainly not least, EVERYONE who has donated their FanFics and FanArt!

(Psst … did we miss someone or something? Drop us a line and correct us!)

Age Verification Required

In accordance with ESRB/ARC and Konami guidelines, you must be at least 17 years old to access this site. Please provide your date of birth:

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