Dying to Know Something?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you pass a message on to Team Silent for me?
I’m afraid that no, we can’t. Though we have a good relationship with our colleagues at Konami and the developers over the years, we have no formal links or contact information for anyone working with, for or representing Team Silent. Sorry!

If you have no information on Team Silent, how come you have “exclusives” and cool competition prizes?
Well, we do have some contact with Konami Press Offices and Akira Yamaoka, but nothing “official”.

How long has this site been running?
It was created in 2002 as a small information site about the then up-and-coming Silent Hill 3 and simply grew from there. Read more about how the site started right here.

Where do you get your information/images?
It’s via a combination of methods. Some images/information we receive through the Konami Press Office, some via international press/publications and everything else is cobbled together ourselves using sources such as other sites, strategy guides, official books, forums – our forum members apparently never sleep! – and donations.

What about your screencaps?
All of our screencaps were taken by our own site staff.

I have some information about SH/the games that you don’t have. Do you want it?
Are you kidding? Of course! Please use our contact page to get in touch.

Are you still taking FanArt/Fic submissions?
Yes, definitely! Please email any contributions to silenthillheaven at gmail.com. We’re grateful for everything we receive!

Can I join the staff at SHH?
We’re always delighted to hear from fans who’d like to contribute. If you can help flesh out an empty section or have some details spare, get in touch!

How regularly do you update?
As often as we can – honest! We’re all have lives beyond the internet and Silent Hill, though, so this means that we’re not always able to dedicate all the time we’d like to the site. We’re fortunate that we have our band of awesome contributors who help us try to keep the site as up to date as possible, though.

Is that why you were closed for, like, EVER?
Yeah, pretty much. Um, sorry about that! It’s expensive and time-consuming to keep this site online, which is why we’re so grateful for the help of our staff and forum members.

I’m stuck at [insert game and problem here]. HELP!
We don’t give gameplay help via the contact form or email so please don’t contact us for gameplay help. Instead, visit the forum and ask for help there. You’re likely to get a much faster and more accurate response there anyway!

Age Verification Required

In accordance with ESRB/ARC and Konami guidelines, you must be at least 17 years old to access this site. Please provide your date of birth:

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