Travis Grady is alone in his solitary trucker lifestyle. He’s content to live his life one mile at a time, making as few connections as possible. It’s not that he doesn’t have a personal history, but he’d rather leave the past in his rearview mirror.

His latest delivery takes him past a sleepy northeastern town called Silent Hill. Suddenly, something runs across the road, and Travis is forced to swerve out of the way. Leaving his cab to investigate, he spots a young girl, who quickly runs away. Worried she might be hurt, Travis follows.

He comes to a flaming house on the outskirts of Silent Hill. A girl screams from somewhere in the fire, and Travis rushes inside to help. He fights through the flames, the black smoke burning in his lungs. He finds the girl, but eventually gives in to the strain and blacks out …

… He wakes up in Silent Hill.

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