Faceless Nurse
Location: Alchemilla Hospital, Cedar Grove Sanitarium.
Attack Method: Faceless Nurses will grapple with Travis, should he get too close. They attack by striking Travis with a syringe, which causes moderate damage. Be wary when in an area with more than one Faceless Nurse, as they have a tendency to attack in packs.
Best Tactics: They can easily be beaten with any kind of melee weapon or even Travis’ fists, and should not cause much of a problem.
Location: Central Silent Hill, Cedar Grove Sanitarium, Artaud Theater, Riverside Motel.
Attack Method: Straight-Jackets will engage Travis in a relentless pursuit upon spotting him, and will not stop until they are either killed or outran. When at point-blank range, they will initiate Travis in a grapple. When further away, they will vomit projectiles at him. Straight-Jackets can be very dangerous in packs, so try to eliminate or outrun one before you are approached by another.
Best Tactics: Melee weapons work well, as does Travis’ fists, but be quick, or you’ll find yourself grappling with the Straight-Jacket.
Location: Cedar Grove Sanitarium
Attack Method: They will strike when Travis is nearby
Best Tactics: Remnants can easily become lethal foes if not handled correctly.Their strikes are quick and powerful, but they can be easily avoided and/or killed by turning off the flashlight. Firearms work well if you intend to keep the flashlight on. If not, any melee weapon of a decent size should take care of them. As with the Straight-Jackets and Faceless Nurses, be wary of packs.
Location: Central Silent Hill, Cedar Grove Sanitarium, Artaud Theater, Riverside Motel
Attack Method: Smaller Carrions will lunge at Travis when nearby. Larger Carrions will attempt to body slam Travis
Best Tactics: Carrions are very powerful enemies, and they can make even shorter work of Travis than the Remnants if not handled correctly. Their lunge attack is damaging, and can be repeated quickly. Only attempt to run past one if you are not in a building, as the Carrions can lunge at Travis from a considerable distance. It is recommended that you eliminate them using either firearms or heavy, throwable objects. They can be lethal when encountered in packs
Location: Artaud Theatre
Attack Method: When hanging, the Ariel will attempt to choke Travis. When grounded, it will kick Travis when nearby
Best Tactics: Ariels are not particularly threatening, and can be easily taken care of by use of melee weapons or Travis’ fists. They can be avoided by turning the flashlight off. They are slightly more dangerous when grounded, especially when in packs
Location: Central Silent Hill, Riverside Motel
Attack Method: Calibans will pound the ground with their legs when Travis is near. They also have a slow but powerful lunge attack
Best Tactics: Calibans can easily be avoided by simply running past them. If you do insist on destroying them, then do so at a distance with a firearm, as Calibans can be dangerous when close
Location: Riverside Motel, Central Silent Hill (Otherworld)
Attack Method: From afar, Twobacks will vomit projectiles at Travis. From mid-distance, they will rush at Travis. When close, Twobacks will ground Travis and grapple with him
Best Tactics: Twobacks are, bosses aside, the most powerful enemies in the game. Their rush attack can be particularly devastating when used in succession, and they are extremely dangerous when encountered in packs. Often appearing in small rooms, they can be difficult to avoid or run past, so it is best to rid yourself of them quickly through use of a firearm. The shotgun and Hunting Rifle are particularly effective. Do not bother with melee weapons, as you are just asking for trouble by doing so.