Bad Ending
What happens?: You save no-one but yourself (and even that’s debatable). This is likely to be your first ending.
How do I get it?: Don’t go to the Annie’s Bar or the Motel to visit Kaufmann and don’t save Cybil at the Amusement Park.
What do I get for completing it?: You get to access the Chainsaw, Rock Drill and Gas Can in your next game, but you’re going to have to choose between the Chainsaw or Rock Drill unfortunately – you won’t be able to use both.
Good Ending
What happens?: You let Cybil die, but save Kaufmann. Lisa’s none too pleased about this.
How do I get it?: Take a detour to Annie’s Bar and then the Motel to help Kaufmann out, and don’t save Cybil at the Amusement Park. Kaufmann will then show up during your final battle.
What do I get for completing it?: As with the endings above, you get to choose between the Chainsaw and Rock Drill. Additionally, you’ll receive the Channelling Stone which can be used to get to the …
Bad+ Ending
What happens?: This time you save Cybil, but you don’t meet Kaufmann again after the Hospital. She sweeps in to save you at the end.
How do I get it?: Don’t go to the Motel to visit Kaufmann, and make sure to use the Empty Bottle to collect some of the unknown liquid from the Director’s Office in the Hospital. Then, when you’re about to commence your battle with Cybil, throw the contents over her. You’ll be able to avoid the fight with her altogether, ensuring she survives.
What do I get for completing it?: You get to access to the Chainsaw and Rock Drill, but, again, you can only use one.
Good+ Ending
What happens?: You save everyone … what a hero!
How do I get it?: From the Sewer A do not go straight to the Pier and complete all the tasks in the three establishments (Annie’s Bar, Indian Runner and Motel). Then save Cybil using the unknown liquid.
What do I get for completing it?: As with the endings above, you get to choose between the Chainsaw and Rock Drill. Additionally, you’ll receive the Channelling Stone which can be used to get to the . . .
UFO Ending
What happens?: You kinda need to watch it!
How do I get it?: Take the Channelling Stone from the Convenience Store after completing the game once and then use it in the following locations:
- Roof of the Other School before or after you open the drainage valve.
- At the entrance to Alchemilla Hospital, in front of the gates before the Moth fight.
- In the Motel car park when you go open the Room #3 door.
- On the Pier, in the Houseboat, after meeting with Cybil and Dahlia
- On the roof of the Lighthouse, after Alessa’s appearance.
What do I get for completing it?: A weird ending and the grim sense of satisfaction of knowing you’ve completed the game!