Wooden Plank

Wooden Plank

Location: In the archway at the end of Vachss Road.

Pros: No ammo needed.

Cons: You’ll need to get close to enemies to use it, and even then it only inflicts limited damage.

Recommended: Isolated Lying Figures and Mannequins.


Steel Pipe

Steel Pipe

Location: Jammed into a car, Texxon Gas Station, corner of Carroll Street and Nathan Avenue.

Pros: It’s fast, reasonably powerful and, again, you can use it when you need to conserve your firearm ammunition.

Cons: You’ll need to get reasonably close to enemies to inflict damage, and it can be cumbersome to use.

Recommended: Lying Figures, Cockroaches, Mannequins.




Location: Room 301, 3rd Floor, Woodside Apartments.

Pros: It’s quick, easy to use, holds ten rounds and there’s loads of ammunition to be found. You can also move when firing.

Cons: There’s a limited range and this weapon can have little effect on bosses or the tougher enemies…

Recommended: Lying Figures, Cockroaches, Mannequins.




Location: Women’s Locker Room, 2nd Floor, Brookhaven Hospital.

Pros: There’s plenty of ammo around for this weapon. Use it point-blank and it can be devastating.

Cons: It takes longer to load and you’re restricted to 6 bullet magazines. It’s wise to avoid quick-moving bosses.

Recommended: Everything, but particularly Nurses – especially when you’re surrounded by them.


Hunting Rifle

Hunting Rifle

Location: Armoury Room, Toluca Prison.

Pros: It’s the most powerful firearm in the game.

Cons:You can’t move when firing, limited to four bullets per magazine and it’s slow to reload. Rifle ammo is scarce, so you should try to conserve it.

Recommended: Bosses and tougher enemies. You’ll find that Pyramid Head is particularly susceptible to this weapon.


Great Knife

Great Knife

Location: Pyramid Head’s Room, Labyrinth

Pros: No ammo required and if you use it right, it’s incredibly powerful with a long-reaching range

Cons: It’s very slow and can be extremely difficult to use.

Recommended: Tougher Enemies and Pyramid Head.




Location: Only from your second time through the game. Jammed into a log on the path after you leave the Cemetery, at the beginning of the game – you’ll hear it before you see it.

Pros: Powerful and different types of attacks are available.

Cons: Slow to recover and has a brief waiting period while it warms up.

Recommended: Any slow-moving or isolated enemies.


Hyper Spray

Hyper Spray

To get this weapon, you must have:
– Completed once on Hard Action mode;
– Completed twice, and at least once on Normal or;
– Completed three times, regardless of difficulty level

Location: Inside the Motorhome, Saul Street.

Pros: No ammo is required and, pending on which version Hyper Spray you receive, it can be quite effective, particularly if you’re in a tight spot and need to escape.
Cons: The range is limited, and keep pressing it for too long and the effect will lessen until James has to stop to shake the can. Also, if you play on Normal or Hard Mode and you’ll notice that if you use it too much, James himself will get injured.

Recommended: This depends upon the Colour you receive.
Green: Can be used against all opponents and will defeat each with one attack.
Yellow: Use against Abstract Daddy, Nurse, Creeper, Eddie (1st Battle), Lying Figure and Mannequin. It also will paralyse opponents as well as completely defeat Creepers, chase away the Final Boss’ moths and make Mannequins attack each other.
White: Use against, Nurse, Creeper, Lying Figure and Mannequin. It paralyses opponents as well as completely defeat Creepers and chase away the Final Boss’ moths.
Lilac: Use against all opponents to paralyse them. It also will completely defeat Creepers, chase away the Final Boss’ moths and make Mannequins attack each other.


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