
Released in 2007 in Japan as an arcade machine.  A year later, the game was also released in Europe.  This game’s sole use of combat is using a gun, of which the game provides a few different types.  Up to two people can simotaneously play.  Player One plays as Eric, and Player Two plays as Tina.  The main weapon of fire is the trigger on the gun.  There is also a large green button for starting and continuing.

The story of the game takes place in 1993, 75 years after the Little Baroness sinks.  The two main characters are Eric and Tina, two classmates from their college occult club who decide to go down to Silent Hill due to its rich history.  However, Eric wakes up to find his friend Bill wounded and his other friend, Jessie, gone.  Eric and Tina together must find their friends, and in the process discover the dark secrets that the sinking of the Little Baroness holds.

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