Release Information

Released: 21/03/2001
Country: Japan Only
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Category: Adventure
Rating: None
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET)

The memories of a tragic fire seven years ago still haunt the townsfolk, and with the tourist season long past, there is hardly a shadow stirring.

Harry Mason prefers to take late vacations with his daughter Cheryl. This year they’ve made plans to visit Silent Hill, but due to car trouble, they reach the outskirts of the town late at night. Cheryl is sleeping on the passenger seat as a motorcycle cop roars past their Jeep.

Moments later Harry spots the motorcycle discarded on the side of the road. There is no one to be seen. It paints an ominous picture, a shadow suddenly appears in front of the car. Harry turns the wheel in panic. The car slides off the edge of the road and into a gully.

Harry eventually regains consciousness. Cheryl is nowhere to be seen and it is unusually cold. Snow is falling out of season. Where has Cheryl disappeared to? Harry walks slowly towards a town he sees in the distance…

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